I was recently nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by an amazing blogger named Lace & Lacquers Please head over to her awesome blog & check her out. Thank you so much Lacey!!! It took me a few days to post because to take my time & nominate other "new" blogs.
The rules of this are as follows:
1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers that are relatively new to blogging
2. Let them know you have nominated them
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself
4. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you.
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your post
I nominate the blogs below. I couldn't quite come up with 15 because i'm pretty new to blogging but this is the best I could do.
I Nominate
5. Lush Lookz
7. Marijonails
7 Random Facts About Me
1. I'm the mother of 3 children ages 25, 21 & 11
2. I'm the grandmother of 8 month old Jordynn
3. Besides Nail Polish, I'm addicted to collecting perfume! lol
4. I make realistic dolls
5. I love Sci-Fi Movies with a passion!!
6. I have a hidden love for Reality Shows!!!
7. My favorite food are Crabs!! I can eat a dozen steamed crabs all by myself lol
Congrats! :)
That's so awesome!!! Congrats! I'm new to the nail blogging world too hopefully I can one day get to where you are :)
Congrats doll!! I have also given you an award, the Blogger Appreciation Award. Check out my blog for the details!!
Congrats and thanks for nominating me !! Interesting food love you have hehe :D
Wait, I'm so late. I was nominated *does happy dance* ill get on this tomorrow!!! And congrats!!!
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