Franken Fridays is back! Plum-Sickle Makes & Beetle Wings make their debut

Happy Friday everyone!  Thank goodness for the weekend!  I have been so busy that I can't hardly think straight!  It's been raining like crazy here in Virginia & i'm so glad that the weather is finally breaking!

Most of you know that back in the day I used to make my own polishes.  Some people call it frankens & others called them custom polishes.  I used to make entire lines for myself & send samples to my nail buddies.  Unfortunately, I stopped making polishes when I had a horrible bout with depression but i'm happy to announce that I have renewed my love for making polishes & i'm bringing back "Franken Fridays"!!  First up is Plum-Sickle
Plum-Sickle is a bright plum based polish packed with flakes, red shimmer & a smidgen of spectra flair!  It is super saturated & can be worn on it's own.  Pictured above is 2 coats topped with NYC in a minute top coat.  It applied like a dream & I was so impressed with myself lol.  It had all the elements that I love in a polish.  Can you believe this polish was made with eyeshadow?  I have a tutorial coming soon with step by step directions.

Next up is "Beetle Wings".
Beetle Wings is a super saturated Multi-Chrome Polish that shifts from Blue to Pink to Purple to Red.  I added some spectra flair for that extra kick & I'm in love!  This is 2 coats on it's own (No base coat needed) with 1 coat of NYC in a minute top coat.  This is by far my favorite polish ever!  I remember making it because I was having a hard time purchasing Enchanted Polish & decided to make my own.  I made this using some pigments I purchased offline. I will be doing a step by step tutorial on making this at a later date.  

FYI:  Unfortunately I don't sell my polishes because I don't have the time & I would have a nervous breakdown if anyone was every disappointed in something that I sold to them.  I don't consider myself a professional or a mixologist of colors.  There have been many times I've purchased a polish from an Indie Brand & was completely let down because the quality of the polish was AWFUL.  Whether it was goopy or not mixed correctly to glitters falling or bleeding & pigments dropping to the bottom of the bottle.  You name it, I've purchased it & I don't want to put that pressure on myself.  So instead, I send gifts to friends or giveaways.  You can't complain when it's free right? lol  Anyway, enough talking & off to the polishes!

Please enjoy many more photos after the jump.  Warning:  Extremely Pic Heavy


Beetle Wings
I hope you enjoyed Franken Friday.  I can't wait until next week!  Until then...


Unknown said...

oooh I loooove beetle wings, i'm anxious waiting for your tutorial :)

Marisa said...

Wow!! This polish is gorgeous!!

Laura Cannone said...

I would be a deep, shimmery blue! It’s just such a cool and universally interesting color.
But honestly, I think I like all colors of polish, there are a few that I just can’t wear though because being a guy, not all colors that look good on women will work for me.
I love red nail polish! Not for me though. Pink is cool too, but again, not for me.
I am very encouraged to see some nail polish companies actually featuring colors with men in mind.

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