05 August 2013

Colors by Llarowe - Zipper

Happy Monday everyone! Today I present to you another Colors by Llarowe polish.
Zipper is described on Llarowe's site as a dusty light blue soft holo polish.  It originally started out as a limited edition but has since been moved to CBL's core line & I couldn't be happier!  When I originally saw Zipper on Llarowe's site, it reminded me of what I perceived Ballerina Sprinkles by Enchanted Polish would look like.  I have not been able to obtain that polish & it's been on my want list forever but Zipper has cured my lemming!  I'm not sure if they're dupes or not but I've longed for a light blue holo forever!!
***All Photos were taken in direct sunlight with my iPhone***
Zipper is BEAUTIFUL!!  Although it is described as a dusty blue, in the sunlight, this polish beams & glows with almost a golden shimmer topped with a stunning soft holo.
Zipper is sheer but built up nicely.  It took  3 coats to get to full opacity & I topped it off with a coat of NYC In a Minute top coat.
Below I attempted to freehand a plaid pattern on my accent nail using Loreal's Jelly Polishes.  It's not perfect & I need plenty of practice but I still like it how it turned out.
Zipper has sky rocketed to one of my favorite polishes of the year & i'm so glad I was able to snag it. You can purchase Zipper from Llarowe for $12 USD.

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