22 July 2013

Colors by Llarowe True Colors

Happy Monday everyone!  When Llarowe had a a pre-sale on her polishes a few weeks back, I knew there were 2 polishes that I just HAD to have if it KILLED me.  They were True Colors & Zipper (which I'll be posting at a later date).  Well, they arrived today!  I can't tell you my excitement!  I ran to the mailbox & almost knocked the mailman over.  I snatched my package out of his hands & ran to the house to open it! My hair was a mess, I was barefoot & bra-less!  Needless to say I looked like a complete maniac & lunatic but I didn't care!  My pretties were FINALLY here!
"True Colors"
is the most gorgeous deep "plum-ple" color holographic polish that I've ever laid my eyes on.  It "almost" appears to color shift depending on the angle I was looking at.  Yes, I know I'm making up words that don't exist but there are no words to describe this beauty! Because my vocabulary isn't vast enough to describe True Colors, I will leave my pictures to do the talking.  Please note:  There was absolutely NO sun today & the photos were taken with my iPhone!  YES!  My iPhone took these pictures!

This is 3 layers of True Colors with no topcoat under regular indoor lighting!  It's been thunder storming all day & I didn't have the patience to wait until there was sum but it was still gorgeous under regular lighting.  There was no light box, no fancy lights, no fancy camera or fancy editing.  Just point & shoot!
Application:  I've found that not all Indie Brand polishes are made equal.  I've been disappointed by many because they have been thick & goopy & not mixed properly.  But i'm ecstatic to say that True Blood applies like butter & is completely opaque in 3 thin coats!  The holo shines bright in low light as well.  I can't wait to see this baby in the sun.  I'll update pictures when I can.  I'm so thrilled that I bought this polish!  



  1. So pretty, True colors I wanted purple rain....Will keep looking for this one ...someone wrote true blood in the last paragraph.

  2. Stunning swatches! Thank you so much for sharing!

  3. Wow, I love that!! I did also smile at the 'true blood' typo :D


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