27 May 2012

Tigers!!!!! Stamping Sunday...and my new Magnetic Franken

Happy Sunday everyone!!

I admit that i'm HORRIBLE with nail art & i'm not very creative when it comes to ideas.  Instead, I rely on your beautiful nail art designs & I attempt to copy them.  Most the time I'm not successful but I love trying.  And I must admit i'm getting so much better.  I still have a long way to go but at least i'm trying.

Today, I present to you TIGER nails!!  I saw this post on the AMAZING Esmaltes Da Kelly's Website and I fell in love.  This woman has the most amazing nails I've ever seen!!  Although mine didn't turn out anywhere NEAR as awesome as hers, I'm still proud of it.

First, I had to make my own magnetic nail polish.  I ordered my pigments from Anna's Art Asylum on eBay.  Anna has awesome customer services & ships super fast!!

 I frankened up my polish by using a mini bottle from TKB Trading.  I filled the bottle 3/4's of the way with at the Luster suspender base from TKB Trading & the rest I used a clear base.  Next, I added 4 scoops of pigment & shook like crazy...and Viola!!!!  "Cleopatra" was born!   This baby is a one coater but I used 2 because I had to use the magnet.  And let me tell you it applies like butter!!!  Next, I stamped over the polish using my Konad plate & then  I topped it with 1 layer of my fav top coat.

Ok, enough talking & on with the pictures!! I forgot to take pics of Cleopatra alone, but I promise you that I will do that at a later date.  

So how did I do?  Do you love it as much as I do?  For all the newbies out there like me, NEVER be afraid to try nail art.  The worst thing that can happen is you mess up.  But I promise that you will get better.  I'm an example of that.  I may not be perfect yet but i'm so very proud of myself.



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